/* * Copyright 2023-2024 Djuri Baars * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "Arduino.h" #include #define WEBSERVER_H #include "ESPAsyncWebServer.h" #include "lib/config.hpp" uint wifiLostConnection; uint priceNotifyLostConnection = 0; uint blockNotifyLostConnection = 0; // char ptrTaskList[1500]; extern "C" void app_main() { initArduino(); Serial.begin(115200); setup(); while (true) { // vTaskList(ptrTaskList); // Serial.println(F("**********************************")); // Serial.println(F("Task State Prio Stack Num")); // Serial.println(F("**********************************")); // Serial.print(ptrTaskList); // Serial.println(F("**********************************")); if (eventSourceTaskHandle != NULL) xTaskNotifyGive(eventSourceTaskHandle); int64_t currentUptime = esp_timer_get_time() / 1000000; ; if (!getIsOTAUpdating()) { #ifdef HAS_FRONTLIGHT if (hasLightLevel()) { if (preferences.getUInt("luxLightToggle", DEFAULT_LUX_LIGHT_TOGGLE) != 0) { if (hasLightLevel() && getLightLevel() <= 1 && preferences.getBool("flOffWhenDark", DEFAULT_FL_OFF_WHEN_DARK)) { if (frontlightIsOn()) { frontlightFadeOutAll(); } } else if (hasLightLevel() && getLightLevel() < preferences.getUInt("luxLightToggle", DEFAULT_LUX_LIGHT_TOGGLE) && !frontlightIsOn()) { frontlightFadeInAll(); } else if (frontlightIsOn() && getLightLevel() > preferences.getUInt("luxLightToggle", DEFAULT_LUX_LIGHT_TOGGLE)) { frontlightFadeOutAll(); } } } #endif if (!WiFi.isConnected()) { if (!wifiLostConnection) { wifiLostConnection = currentUptime; Serial.println(F("Lost WiFi connection, trying to reconnect...")); } if ((currentUptime - wifiLostConnection) > 600) { Serial.println(F("Still no connection after 10 minutes, restarting...")); delay(2000); ESP.restart(); } WiFi.begin(); } else if (wifiLostConnection) { wifiLostConnection = 0; Serial.println(F("Connection restored, reset timer.")); } if (getPriceNotifyInit() && !preferences.getBool("fetchEurPrice", DEFAULT_FETCH_EUR_PRICE) && !isPriceNotifyConnected()) { priceNotifyLostConnection++; Serial.println(F("Lost price data connection...")); queueLedEffect(LED_DATA_PRICE_ERROR); // if price WS connection does not come back after 6*5 seconds, destroy and recreate if (priceNotifyLostConnection > 6) { Serial.println(F("Restarting price handler...")); restartPriceNotify(); // setupPriceNotify(); priceNotifyLostConnection = 0; } } else if (priceNotifyLostConnection > 0 && isPriceNotifyConnected()) { priceNotifyLostConnection = 0; } if (getBlockNotifyInit() && !isBlockNotifyConnected()) { blockNotifyLostConnection++; Serial.println(F("Lost block data connection...")); queueLedEffect(LED_DATA_BLOCK_ERROR); // if mempool WS connection does not come back after 6*5 seconds, destroy and recreate if (blockNotifyLostConnection > 6) { Serial.println(F("Restarting block handler...")); restartBlockNotify(); // setupBlockNotify(); blockNotifyLostConnection = 0; } } else if (blockNotifyLostConnection > 0 && isBlockNotifyConnected()) { blockNotifyLostConnection = 0; } // if more than 5 price updates are missed, there is probably something wrong, reconnect if ((getLastPriceUpdate(CURRENCY_USD) - currentUptime) > (preferences.getUInt("minSecPriceUpd", DEFAULT_SECONDS_BETWEEN_PRICE_UPDATE) * 5)) { Serial.println(F("Detected 5 missed price updates... restarting price handler.")); restartPriceNotify(); // setupPriceNotify(); priceNotifyLostConnection = 0; } // If after 45 minutes no mempool blocks, check the rest API if ((getLastBlockUpdate() - currentUptime) > 45 * 60) { Serial.println(F("Long time (45 min) since last block, checking if I missed anything...")); int currentBlock = getBlockFetch(); if (currentBlock != -1) { if (currentBlock != getBlockHeight()) { Serial.println(F("Detected stuck block height... restarting block handler.")); // Mempool source stuck, restart restartBlockNotify(); // setupBlockNotify(); } // set last block update so it doesn't fetch for 45 minutes setLastBlockUpdate(currentUptime); } } if (currentUptime - getLastTimeSync() > 24 * 60 * 60) { Serial.println(F("Last time update is longer than 24 hours ago, sync again")); syncTime(); }; } vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(5000)); } }