#include "price_notify.hpp" const char *wsServerPrice = "wss://ws.coincap.io/prices?assets=bitcoin"; // WebsocketsClient client; esp_websocket_client_handle_t clientPrice = NULL; esp_websocket_client_config_t config; uint currentPrice = 90000; unsigned long int lastPriceUpdate; bool priceNotifyInit = false; std::map currencyMap; std::map lastUpdateMap; WebSocketsClient priceNotifyWs; void setupPriceNotify() { config = {.uri = wsServerPrice, .user_agent = USER_AGENT}; config.cert_pem = isrg_root_x1cert; config.task_stack = (6*1024); clientPrice = esp_websocket_client_init(&config); esp_websocket_register_events(clientPrice, WEBSOCKET_EVENT_ANY, onWebsocketPriceEvent, clientPrice); esp_websocket_client_start(clientPrice); // priceNotifyWs.beginSSL("ws.coincap.io", 443, "/prices?assets=bitcoin"); // priceNotifyWs.onEvent(onWebsocketPriceEvent); // priceNotifyWs.setReconnectInterval(5000); // priceNotifyWs.enableHeartbeat(15000, 3000, 2); } // void onWebsocketPriceEvent(WStype_t type, uint8_t * payload, size_t length) { // switch(type) { // case WStype_DISCONNECTED: // Serial.printf("[WSc] Disconnected!\n"); // break; // case WStype_CONNECTED: // { // Serial.printf("[WSc] Connected to url: %s\n", payload); // break; // } // case WStype_TEXT: // String message = String((char*)payload); // onWebsocketPriceMessage(message); // break; // case WStype_BIN: // break; // case WStype_ERROR: // case WStype_FRAGMENT_TEXT_START: // case WStype_FRAGMENT_BIN_START: // case WStype_FRAGMENT: // case WStype_PING: // case WStype_PONG: // case WStype_FRAGMENT_FIN: // break; // } // } void onWebsocketPriceEvent(void *handler_args, esp_event_base_t base, int32_t event_id, void *event_data) { esp_websocket_event_data_t *data = (esp_websocket_event_data_t *)event_data; switch (event_id) { case WEBSOCKET_EVENT_CONNECTED: Serial.println("Connected to " + String(config.uri) + " WebSocket"); priceNotifyInit = true; break; case WEBSOCKET_EVENT_DATA: onWebsocketPriceMessage(data); break; case WEBSOCKET_EVENT_ERROR: Serial.println(F("Price WS Connnection error")); break; case WEBSOCKET_EVENT_DISCONNECTED: Serial.println(F("Price WS Connnection Closed")); break; } } void onWebsocketPriceMessage(esp_websocket_event_data_t *event_data) { JsonDocument doc; deserializeJson(doc, (char *)event_data->data_ptr); if (doc.containsKey("bitcoin")) { if (currentPrice != doc["bitcoin"].as()) { processNewPrice(doc["bitcoin"].as(), CURRENCY_USD); } } } void processNewPrice(uint newPrice, char currency) { uint minSecPriceUpd = preferences.getUInt( "minSecPriceUpd", DEFAULT_SECONDS_BETWEEN_PRICE_UPDATE); uint currentTime = esp_timer_get_time() / 1000000; if (lastUpdateMap.find(currency) == lastUpdateMap.end() || (currentTime - lastUpdateMap[currency]) > minSecPriceUpd) { // const unsigned long oldPrice = currentPrice; currencyMap[currency] = newPrice; if (currency == CURRENCY_USD && ( lastUpdateMap[currency] == 0 || (currentTime - lastUpdateMap[currency]) > 120)) { preferences.putUInt("lastPrice", currentPrice); } lastUpdateMap[currency] = currentTime; // if (abs((int)(oldPrice-currentPrice)) > round(0.0015*oldPrice)) { if (workQueue != nullptr && (ScreenHandler::getCurrentScreen() == SCREEN_BTC_TICKER || ScreenHandler::getCurrentScreen() == SCREEN_SATS_PER_CURRENCY || ScreenHandler::getCurrentScreen() == SCREEN_MARKET_CAP)) { WorkItem priceUpdate = {TASK_PRICE_UPDATE, currency}; xQueueSend(workQueue, &priceUpdate, portMAX_DELAY); } //} } } uint getLastPriceUpdate(char currency) { if (lastUpdateMap.find(currency) == lastUpdateMap.end()) { return 0; } return lastUpdateMap[currency]; } uint getPrice(char currency) { if (currencyMap.find(currency) == currencyMap.end()) { return 0; } return currencyMap[currency]; } void setPrice(uint newPrice, char currency) { currencyMap[currency] = newPrice; } bool isPriceNotifyConnected() { if (clientPrice == NULL) return false; return esp_websocket_client_is_connected(clientPrice); } bool getPriceNotifyInit() { return priceNotifyInit; } void stopPriceNotify() { if (clientPrice == NULL) return; esp_websocket_client_close(clientPrice, pdMS_TO_TICKS(5000)); esp_websocket_client_stop(clientPrice); esp_websocket_client_destroy(clientPrice); clientPrice = NULL; } void restartPriceNotify() { stopPriceNotify(); if (clientPrice == NULL) { setupPriceNotify(); return; } // esp_websocket_client_close(clientPrice, pdMS_TO_TICKS(5000)); // esp_websocket_client_stop(clientPrice); // esp_websocket_client_start(clientPrice); }