export const statusJson = { currentScreen: 20, numScreens: 7, timerRunning: true, isOTAUpdating: false, espUptime: 4479, espFreeHeap: 58508, espHeapSize: 342108, connectionStatus: { price: false, blocks: false, V2: true, nostr: true }, rssi: -66, data: ['BLOCK/HEIGHT', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3'], currency: 'USD', leds: [ { red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, hex: '#000000' }, { red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, hex: '#000000' }, { red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, hex: '#000000' }, { red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, hex: '#000000' } ], isUpdating: true, isFake: true }; export const settingsJson = { numScreens: 7, timerSeconds: 1800, timerRunning: true, minSecPriceUpd: 30, fullRefreshMin: 60, wpTimeout: 600, tzOffset: 0, dataSource: 0, mempoolInstance: 'mempool.space', ledTestOnPower: true, ledFlashOnUpd: true, ledBrightness: 128, stealFocus: true, mcapBigChar: true, mdnsEnabled: true, otaEnabled: true, fetchEurPrice: false, hostnamePrefix: 'btclock', hostname: 'btclock-d60b14', ip: '', txPower: 78, gitRev: '25d8b92bcbc8938417c140355ea3ba99ff9eb4b7', gitTag: '3.2.23', bitaxeEnabled: false, bitaxeHostname: 'bitaxe1', miningPoolStats: false, miningPoolName: 'ocean', miningPoolUser: '38Qkkei3SuF1Eo45BaYmRHUneRD54yyTFy', nostrZapNotify: true, hwRev: 'REV_A_EPD_2_13', fsRev: '64e518bf58f89749753167a8b6826e10bb6455c5', nostrZapPubkey: 'b5127a08cf33616274800a4387881a9f98e04b9c37116e92de5250498635c422', lastBuildTime: Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000), screens: [ { id: 0, name: 'Block Height', enabled: true }, { id: 3, name: 'Time', enabled: false }, { id: 4, name: 'Halving countdown', enabled: false }, { id: 6, name: 'Block Fee Rate', enabled: false }, { id: 10, name: 'Sats per dollar', enabled: true }, { id: 20, name: 'Ticker', enabled: true }, { id: 30, name: 'Market Cap', enabled: false } ], actCurrencies: ['USD', 'EUR'], availableCurrencies: ['USD', 'EUR', 'GBP', 'JPY', 'AUD', 'CAD'], availablePools: [ 'ocean', 'noderunners', 'satoshi_radio', 'braiins', 'public_pool', 'gobrrr_pool', 'ckpool', 'eu_ckpool' ], availableFonts: ['antonio', 'oswald'], invertedColor: false, isLoaded: true, isFake: true }; export const latestReleaseFake = { id: 782, tag_name: '3.2.24', target_commitish: '', name: '3.2.24', body: '', url: 'https://git.btclock.dev/api/v1/repos/btclock/btclock_v3/releases/782', html_url: 'https://git.btclock.dev/btclock/btclock_v3/releases/tag/3.2.24', tarball_url: 'https://git.btclock.dev/btclock/btclock_v3/archive/3.2.24.tar.gz', zipball_url: 'https://git.btclock.dev/btclock/btclock_v3/archive/3.2.24.zip', hide_archive_links: false, upload_url: 'https://git.btclock.dev/api/v1/repos/btclock/btclock_v3/releases/782/assets', draft: false, prerelease: false, created_at: '2024-12-28T17:48:05Z', published_at: '2024-12-28T17:48:05Z', author: {}, assets: [], archive_download_count: { zip: 0, tar_gz: 0 } }; export const initMock = async ({ page }) => { await page.route('*/**/api/status', async (route) => { await route.fulfill({ json: statusJson }); }); await page.route('*/**/api/show/screen/10', async (route) => { //if (route.request().url().includes('*/**/api/show/screen/1')) { statusJson.currentScreen = 1; statusJson.data = ['MSCW/TIME', ' ', ' ', '2', '6', '4', '4']; await route.fulfill({ json: statusJson }); }); await page.route('*/**/api/show/screen/20', async (route) => { statusJson.currentScreen = 2; statusJson.data = ['BTC/USD', '$', '3', '7', '8', '2', '4']; await route.fulfill({ json: statusJson }); }); await page.route('*/**/api/show/screen/4', async (route) => { statusJson.currentScreen = 4; statusJson.data = ['BIT/COIN', 'HALV/ING', '0/YRS', '149/DAYS', '8/HRS', '30/MINS', 'TO/GO']; await route.fulfill({ json: statusJson }); }); await page.route('*/**/api/settings', async (route) => { await route.fulfill({ json: settingsJson }); }); await page.route('**/events', async (route) => { const newStatus = statusJson; newStatus.data = ['BLOCK/HEIGHT', '8', '0', '0', '8', '1', '5']; newStatus.isUpdating = true; // Format the SSE message correctly const sseMessage = `data: ${JSON.stringify(newStatus)}\n\n`; // Create a readable stream for SSE const stream = new ReadableStream({ start(controller) { controller.enqueue(new TextEncoder().encode(sseMessage)); // Keep the connection open // controller.close(); // Don't close if you want to send more events } }); await route.fulfill({ status: 200, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/event-stream', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', Connection: 'keep-alive' }, body: stream }); }); await page.route('**/api/v1/repos/btclock/btclock_v3/releases/latest', async (route) => { await route.fulfill({ json: latestReleaseFake }); }); };