#include "screen_handler.hpp" // TaskHandle_t priceUpdateTaskHandle; // TaskHandle_t blockUpdateTaskHandle; // TaskHandle_t timeUpdateTaskHandle; TaskHandle_t taskScreenRotateTaskHandle; TaskHandle_t workerTaskHandle; esp_timer_handle_t screenRotateTimer; esp_timer_handle_t minuteTimer; std::array taskEpdContent = {"", "", "", "", "", "", ""}; std::string priceString; #define WORK_QUEUE_SIZE 10 QueueHandle_t workQueue = NULL; uint currentScreen; void workerTask(void *pvParameters) { WorkItem receivedItem; while (1) { // Wait for a work item to be available in the queue if (xQueueReceive(workQueue, &receivedItem, portMAX_DELAY)) { uint firstIndex = 0; // Process the work item based on its type switch (receivedItem.type) { case TASK_PRICE_UPDATE: { uint price = getPrice(); char priceSymbol = '$'; if (preferences.getBool("fetchEurPrice", false)) { priceSymbol = '['; } if (getCurrentScreen() == SCREEN_BTC_TICKER) { taskEpdContent = parsePriceData(price, priceSymbol, preferences.getBool("suffixPrice", false)); } else if (getCurrentScreen() == SCREEN_MSCW_TIME) { taskEpdContent = parseSatsPerCurrency(price, priceSymbol, preferences.getBool("useSatsSymbol", false)); } else { taskEpdContent = parseMarketCap(getBlockHeight(), price, priceSymbol, preferences.getBool("mcapBigChar", true)); } setEpdContent(taskEpdContent); break; } case TASK_FEE_UPDATE: { if (getCurrentScreen() == SCREEN_BLOCK_FEE_RATE) { taskEpdContent = parseBlockFees(static_cast(getBlockMedianFee())); setEpdContent(taskEpdContent); } break; } case TASK_BLOCK_UPDATE: { if (getCurrentScreen() != SCREEN_HALVING_COUNTDOWN) { taskEpdContent = parseBlockHeight(getBlockHeight()); } else { taskEpdContent = parseHalvingCountdown(getBlockHeight(), preferences.getBool("useBlkCountdown", false)); } if (getCurrentScreen() == SCREEN_HALVING_COUNTDOWN || getCurrentScreen() == SCREEN_BLOCK_HEIGHT) { setEpdContent(taskEpdContent); } break; } case TASK_TIME_UPDATE: { if (getCurrentScreen() == SCREEN_TIME) { time_t currentTime; struct tm timeinfo; time(¤tTime); localtime_r(¤tTime, &timeinfo); std::string timeString; String minute = String(timeinfo.tm_min); if (minute.length() < 2) { minute = "0" + minute; } timeString = std::to_string(timeinfo.tm_hour) + ":" + minute.c_str(); timeString.insert(timeString.begin(), NUM_SCREENS - timeString.length(), ' '); taskEpdContent[0] = std::to_string(timeinfo.tm_mday) + "/" + std::to_string(timeinfo.tm_mon + 1); for (uint i = 1; i < NUM_SCREENS; i++) { taskEpdContent[i] = timeString[i]; } setEpdContent(taskEpdContent); } break; } // Add more cases for additional task types } } } } void taskScreenRotate(void *pvParameters) { for (;;) { ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY); int nextScreen = (currentScreen + 1) % SCREEN_COUNT; String key = "screen" + String(nextScreen) + "Visible"; while (!preferences.getBool(key.c_str(), true)) { nextScreen = (nextScreen + 1) % SCREEN_COUNT; key = "screen" + String(nextScreen) + "Visible"; } setCurrentScreen(nextScreen); } } void IRAM_ATTR minuteTimerISR(void *arg) { BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE; // vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR(timeUpdateTaskHandle, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken); WorkItem timeUpdate = {TASK_TIME_UPDATE, 0}; xQueueSendFromISR(workQueue, &timeUpdate, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken); if (priceFetchTaskHandle != NULL) { vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR(priceFetchTaskHandle, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken); } if (xHigherPriorityTaskWoken == pdTRUE) { portYIELD_FROM_ISR(); } } void IRAM_ATTR screenRotateTimerISR(void *arg) { BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE; vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR(taskScreenRotateTaskHandle, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken); if (xHigherPriorityTaskWoken == pdTRUE) { portYIELD_FROM_ISR(); } } void setupTasks() { workQueue = xQueueCreate(WORK_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof(WorkItem)); xTaskCreate(workerTask, "workerTask", 4096, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, &workerTaskHandle); xTaskCreate(taskScreenRotate, "rotateScreen", 2048, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, &taskScreenRotateTaskHandle); waitUntilNoneBusy(); setCurrentScreen(preferences.getUInt("currentScreen", 0)); } void setupTimeUpdateTimer(void *pvParameters) { const esp_timer_create_args_t minuteTimerConfig = { .callback = &minuteTimerISR, .name = "minute_timer"}; esp_timer_create(&minuteTimerConfig, &minuteTimer); time_t currentTime; struct tm timeinfo; time(¤tTime); localtime_r(¤tTime, &timeinfo); uint32_t secondsUntilNextMinute = 60 - timeinfo.tm_sec; if (secondsUntilNextMinute > 0) vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS((secondsUntilNextMinute * 1000))); esp_timer_start_periodic(minuteTimer, usPerMinute); WorkItem timeUpdate = {TASK_TIME_UPDATE, 0}; xQueueSend(workQueue, &timeUpdate, portMAX_DELAY); // xTaskNotifyGive(timeUpdateTaskHandle); vTaskDelete(NULL); } void setupScreenRotateTimer(void *pvParameters) { const esp_timer_create_args_t screenRotateTimerConfig = { .callback = &screenRotateTimerISR, .name = "screen_rotate_timer"}; esp_timer_create(&screenRotateTimerConfig, &screenRotateTimer); if (preferences.getBool("timerActive", true)) { esp_timer_start_periodic(screenRotateTimer, getTimerSeconds() * usPerSecond); } vTaskDelete(NULL); } uint getTimerSeconds() { return preferences.getUInt("timerSeconds", 1800); } bool isTimerActive() { return esp_timer_is_active(screenRotateTimer); } void setTimerActive(bool status) { if (status) { esp_timer_start_periodic(screenRotateTimer, getTimerSeconds() * usPerSecond); queueLedEffect(LED_EFFECT_START_TIMER); preferences.putBool("timerActive", true); } else { esp_timer_stop(screenRotateTimer); queueLedEffect(LED_EFFECT_PAUSE_TIMER); preferences.putBool("timerActive", false); } if (eventSourceTaskHandle != NULL) xTaskNotifyGive(eventSourceTaskHandle); } void toggleTimerActive() { setTimerActive(!isTimerActive()); } uint getCurrentScreen() { return currentScreen; } void setCurrentScreen(uint newScreen) { if (newScreen != SCREEN_CUSTOM) { preferences.putUInt("currentScreen", newScreen); } currentScreen = newScreen; switch (currentScreen) { case SCREEN_TIME: { WorkItem timeUpdate = {TASK_TIME_UPDATE, 0}; xQueueSend(workQueue, &timeUpdate, portMAX_DELAY); // xTaskNotifyGive(timeUpdateTaskHandle); break; } case SCREEN_HALVING_COUNTDOWN: case SCREEN_BLOCK_HEIGHT: { WorkItem blockUpdate = {TASK_BLOCK_UPDATE, 0}; xQueueSend(workQueue, &blockUpdate, portMAX_DELAY); // xTaskNotifyGive(blockUpdateTaskHandle); break; } case SCREEN_MARKET_CAP: case SCREEN_MSCW_TIME: case SCREEN_BTC_TICKER: { WorkItem priceUpdate = {TASK_PRICE_UPDATE, 0}; xQueueSend(workQueue, &priceUpdate, portMAX_DELAY); // xTaskNotifyGive(priceUpdateTaskHandle); break; } case SCREEN_BLOCK_FEE_RATE: { WorkItem blockUpdate = {TASK_FEE_UPDATE, 0}; xQueueSend(workQueue, &blockUpdate, portMAX_DELAY); break; } } if (eventSourceTaskHandle != NULL) xTaskNotifyGive(eventSourceTaskHandle); } void nextScreen() { int newCurrentScreen = (getCurrentScreen() + 1) % SCREEN_COUNT; String key = "screen" + String(newCurrentScreen) + "Visible"; while (!preferences.getBool(key.c_str(), true)) { newCurrentScreen = (newCurrentScreen + 1) % SCREEN_COUNT; key = "screen" + String(newCurrentScreen) + "Visible"; } setCurrentScreen(newCurrentScreen); } void previousScreen() { int newCurrentScreen = modulo(getCurrentScreen() - 1, SCREEN_COUNT); String key = "screen" + String(newCurrentScreen) + "Visible"; while (!preferences.getBool(key.c_str(), true)) { newCurrentScreen = modulo(newCurrentScreen - 1, SCREEN_COUNT); key = "screen" + String(newCurrentScreen) + "Visible"; } setCurrentScreen(newCurrentScreen); } void showSystemStatusScreen() { std::array sysStatusEpdContent = {"", "", "", "", "", "", ""}; String ipAddr = WiFi.localIP().toString(); String subNet = WiFi.subnetMask().toString(); sysStatusEpdContent[0] = "IP/Subnet"; int ipAddrPos = 0; int subnetPos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { sysStatusEpdContent[1 + i] = ipAddr.substring(0, ipAddr.indexOf('.')) + "/" + subNet.substring(0, subNet.indexOf('.')); ipAddrPos = ipAddr.indexOf('.') + 1; subnetPos = subNet.indexOf('.') + 1; ipAddr = ipAddr.substring(ipAddrPos); subNet = subNet.substring(subnetPos); } sysStatusEpdContent[NUM_SCREENS - 2] = "RAM/Status"; sysStatusEpdContent[NUM_SCREENS - 1] = String((int)round(ESP.getFreeHeap() / 1024)) + "/" + (int)round(ESP.getHeapSize() / 1024); setCurrentScreen(SCREEN_CUSTOM); setEpdContent(sysStatusEpdContent); }