#include "epd.hpp" Native_Pin EPD_CS[NUM_SCREENS] = { Native_Pin(2), Native_Pin(4), Native_Pin(6), Native_Pin(10), Native_Pin(33), Native_Pin(21), Native_Pin(17), #if NUM_SCREENS == 9 // MCP23X17_Pin(mcp2, 7), Native_Pin(-1), Native_Pin(-1), #endif }; Native_Pin EPD_BUSY[NUM_SCREENS] = { Native_Pin(3), Native_Pin(5), Native_Pin(7), Native_Pin(9), Native_Pin(37), Native_Pin(18), Native_Pin(16), }; MCP23X17_Pin EPD_RESET_MPD[NUM_SCREENS] = { MCP23X17_Pin(mcp, 8), MCP23X17_Pin(mcp, 9), MCP23X17_Pin(mcp, 10), MCP23X17_Pin(mcp, 11), MCP23X17_Pin(mcp, 12), MCP23X17_Pin(mcp, 13), MCP23X17_Pin(mcp, 14), }; Native_Pin EPD_DC = Native_Pin(14); GxEPD2_BW displays[NUM_SCREENS] = { GxEPD2_213_B74(&EPD_CS[0], &EPD_DC, &EPD_RESET_MPD[0], &EPD_BUSY[0]), GxEPD2_213_B74(&EPD_CS[1], &EPD_DC, &EPD_RESET_MPD[1], &EPD_BUSY[1]), GxEPD2_213_B74(&EPD_CS[2], &EPD_DC, &EPD_RESET_MPD[2], &EPD_BUSY[2]), GxEPD2_213_B74(&EPD_CS[3], &EPD_DC, &EPD_RESET_MPD[3], &EPD_BUSY[3]), GxEPD2_213_B74(&EPD_CS[4], &EPD_DC, &EPD_RESET_MPD[4], &EPD_BUSY[4]), GxEPD2_213_B74(&EPD_CS[5], &EPD_DC, &EPD_RESET_MPD[5], &EPD_BUSY[5]), GxEPD2_213_B74(&EPD_CS[6], &EPD_DC, &EPD_RESET_MPD[6], &EPD_BUSY[6]), #if NUM_SCREENS == 9 GxEPD2_213_B74(&EPD8_CS, &EPD_DC, &EPD_RESET_MPD[7], &EPD8_BUSY), GxEPD2_213_B74(&EPD9_CS, &EPD_DC, &EPD_RESET_MPD[8], &EPD9_BUSY), #endif }; std::array currentEpdContent; std::array epdContent; uint32_t lastFullRefresh[NUM_SCREENS]; TaskHandle_t tasks[NUM_SCREENS]; SemaphoreHandle_t epdUpdateSemaphore[NUM_SCREENS]; int fgColor = GxEPD_WHITE; int bgColor = GxEPD_BLACK; #define FONT_SMALL Antonio_SemiBold20pt7b #define FONT_BIG Antonio_SemiBold90pt7b void setupDisplays() { for (uint i = 0; i < NUM_SCREENS; i++) { displays[i].init(); } for (uint i = 0; i < NUM_SCREENS; i++) { epdUpdateSemaphore[i] = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); xSemaphoreGive(epdUpdateSemaphore[i]); int *taskParam = new int; *taskParam = i; xTaskCreate(updateDisplay, "EpdUpd" + char(i), 4096, taskParam, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, &tasks[i]); // create task } epdContent = {"B", "T", "C", "L", "O", "C", "K"}; for (uint i = 0; i < NUM_SCREENS; i++) { xTaskNotifyGive(tasks[i]); } xTaskCreate(taskEpd, "epd_task", 2048, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL); } void taskEpd(void *pvParameters) { while (1) { bool updatedThisCycle = false; for (uint i = 0; i < NUM_SCREENS; i++) { if (epdContent[i].compareTo(currentEpdContent[i]) != 0) { if (!updatedThisCycle) { updatedThisCycle = true; } if (xSemaphoreTake(epdUpdateSemaphore[i], pdMS_TO_TICKS(5000)) == pdTRUE) { xTaskNotifyGive(tasks[i]); } else { Serial.println("Couldnt get screen" + String(i)); } } } #ifdef WITH_RGB_LED if (updatedThisCycle && preferences.getBool("ledFlashOnUpd", false)) { xTaskNotifyGive(ledHandlerTaskHandle); } #endif vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000)); } } void setEpdContent(std::array newEpdContent) { epdContent = newEpdContent; } extern "C" void updateDisplay(void *pvParameters) noexcept { const int epdIndex = *(int *)pvParameters; delete (int *)pvParameters; for (;;) { // Wait for the task notification ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY); if (epdContent[epdIndex].compareTo(currentEpdContent[epdIndex]) != 0) { displays[epdIndex].init(0, false); // Little longer reset duration because of MCP bool updatePartial = true; // Full Refresh every half hour if (!lastFullRefresh[epdIndex] || (millis() - lastFullRefresh[epdIndex]) > (preferences.getUInt("fullRefreshMin", 30) * 60 * 1000)) { updatePartial = false; lastFullRefresh[epdIndex] = millis(); } if (strstr(epdContent[epdIndex].c_str(), "/") != NULL) { String top = epdContent[epdIndex].substring(0, epdContent[epdIndex].indexOf("/")); String bottom = epdContent[epdIndex].substring(epdContent[epdIndex].indexOf("/") + 1); splitText(epdIndex, top, bottom, updatePartial); } else { showDigit(epdIndex, epdContent[epdIndex].c_str()[0], updatePartial, &FONT_BIG); } char tries = 0; while (tries < 3) { if (displays[epdIndex].displayWithReturn(updatePartial)) { displays[epdIndex].hibernate(); currentEpdContent[epdIndex] = epdContent[epdIndex]; break; } vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(100)); tries++; } } xSemaphoreGive(epdUpdateSemaphore[epdIndex]); } } void splitText(const uint dispNum, String top, String bottom, bool partial) { displays[dispNum].setRotation(2); displays[dispNum].setFont(&FONT_SMALL); displays[dispNum].setTextColor(getFgColor()); // Top text int16_t ttbx, ttby; uint16_t ttbw, ttbh; displays[dispNum].getTextBounds(top, 0, 0, &ttbx, &ttby, &ttbw, &ttbh); uint16_t tx = ((displays[dispNum].width() - ttbw) / 2) - ttbx; uint16_t ty = ((displays[dispNum].height() - ttbh) / 2) - ttby - ttbh / 2 - 12; // Bottom text int16_t tbbx, tbby; uint16_t tbbw, tbbh; displays[dispNum].getTextBounds(bottom, 0, 0, &tbbx, &tbby, &tbbw, &tbbh); uint16_t bx = ((displays[dispNum].width() - tbbw) / 2) - tbbx; uint16_t by = ((displays[dispNum].height() - tbbh) / 2) - tbby + tbbh / 2 + 12; // Make separator as wide as the shortest text. uint16_t lineWidth, lineX; if (tbbw < ttbh) lineWidth = tbbw; else lineWidth = ttbw; lineX = round((displays[dispNum].width() - lineWidth) / 2); displays[dispNum].fillScreen(getBgColor()); displays[dispNum].setCursor(tx, ty); displays[dispNum].print(top); displays[dispNum].fillRoundRect(lineX, displays[dispNum].height() / 2 - 3, lineWidth, 6, 3, getFgColor()); displays[dispNum].setCursor(bx, by); displays[dispNum].print(bottom); } void showDigit(const uint dispNum, char chr, bool partial, const GFXfont *font) { String str(chr); displays[dispNum].setRotation(2); displays[dispNum].setFont(font); displays[dispNum].setTextColor(getFgColor()); int16_t tbx, tby; uint16_t tbw, tbh; displays[dispNum].getTextBounds(str, 0, 0, &tbx, &tby, &tbw, &tbh); // center the bounding box by transposition of the origin: uint16_t x = ((displays[dispNum].width() - tbw) / 2) - tbx; uint16_t y = ((displays[dispNum].height() - tbh) / 2) - tby; displays[dispNum].fillScreen(getBgColor()); displays[dispNum].setCursor(x, y); displays[dispNum].print(str); } int getBgColor() { return bgColor; } int getFgColor() { return fgColor; } void setBgColor(int color) { bgColor = color; } void setFgColor(int color) { fgColor = color; } std::array getCurrentEpdContent() { // Serial.println("currentEpdContent"); // for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SCREENS; i++) { // Serial.printf("%d = %s", i, currentEpdContent[i]); // } return currentEpdContent; }