#include "nostr_notify.hpp" std::vector pools; nostr::Transport *transport; TaskHandle_t nostrTaskHandle = NULL; boolean nostrIsConnected = false; void setupNostrNotify() { nostr::esp32::ESP32Platform::initNostr(false); time_t now; time(&now); struct tm *utcTimeInfo; utcTimeInfo = gmtime(&now); time_t utcNow = mktime(utcTimeInfo); time_t timestamp60MinutesAgo = utcNow - 3600; try { transport = nostr::esp32::ESP32Platform::getTransport(); nostr::NostrPool *pool = new nostr::NostrPool(transport); String relay = preferences.getString("nostrRelay"); String pubKey = preferences.getString("nostrPubKey"); pools.push_back(pool); // Lets subscribe to the relay String subId = pool->subscribeMany( {relay}, {{// we set the filters here (see // https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/01.md#from-client-to-relay-sending-events-and-creating-subscriptions) {"kinds", {"1"}}, {"since", {String(timestamp60MinutesAgo)}}, {"authors", {pubKey}}}}, [&](const String &subId, nostr::SignedNostrEvent *event) { // Received events callback, we can access the event content with // event->getContent() Here you should handle the event, for this // test we will just serialize it and print to console JsonDocument doc; JsonArray arr = doc["data"].to(); event->toSendableEvent(arr); // Access the second element which is the object JsonObject obj = arr[1].as(); // Access the "tags" array JsonArray tags = obj["tags"].as(); // Flag to check if the tag was found bool tagFound = false; uint medianFee = 0; String typeValue; // Iterate over the tags array for (JsonArray tag : tags) { // Check if the tag is an array with two elements if (tag.size() == 2) { const char *key = tag[0]; const char *value = tag[1]; // Check if the key is "type" and the value is "priceUsd" if (strcmp(key, "type") == 0 && (strcmp(value, "priceUsd") == 0 || strcmp(value, "blockHeight") == 0)) { typeValue = value; tagFound = true; } else if (strcmp(key, "medianFee") == 0) { medianFee = tag[1].as(); } } } if (tagFound) { if (typeValue.equals("priceUsd")) { processNewPrice(obj["content"].as()); } else if (typeValue.equals("blockHeight")) { processNewBlock(obj["content"].as()); } if (medianFee != 0) { processNewBlockFee(medianFee); } } }, [&](const String &subId, const String &reason) { // This is the callback that will be called when the subscription is // closed Serial.println("Subscription closed: " + reason); }, [&](const String &subId) { // This is the callback that will be called when the subscription is // EOSE Serial.println("Subscription EOSE: " + subId); }); std::vector *relays = pool->getConnectedRelays(); for (nostr::NostrRelay *relay : *relays) { Serial.println("Registering to connection events of: " + relay->getUrl()); relay->getConnection()->addConnectionStatusListener([&](const nostr::ConnectionStatus &status) { String sstatus="UNKNOWN"; if(status==nostr::ConnectionStatus::CONNECTED){ nostrIsConnected = true; sstatus="CONNECTED"; }else if(status==nostr::ConnectionStatus::DISCONNECTED){ nostrIsConnected = false; sstatus="DISCONNECTED"; }else if(status==nostr::ConnectionStatus::ERROR){ sstatus = "ERROR"; } Serial.println("Connection status changed: " + sstatus); }); } } catch (const std::exception &e) { Serial.println("Error: " + String(e.what())); } } void nostrTask(void *pvParameters) { int blockFetch = getBlockFetch(); processNewBlock(blockFetch); while (1) { for (nostr::NostrPool *pool : pools) { // Run internal loop: refresh relays, complete pending connections, send // pending messages pool->loop(); } vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(100)); } } void setupNostrTask() { xTaskCreate(nostrTask, "nostrTask", 16384, NULL, 10, &nostrTaskHandle); } boolean nostrConnected() { return nostrIsConnected; }