{ "section": { "settings": { "title": "Settings", "textColor": "Text color", "backgroundColor": "Background color", "ledPowerOnTest": "LED power-on test", "ledFlashOnBlock": "LED flash on new block", "timePerScreen": "Time per screen", "ledBrightness": "LED brightness", "timezoneOffset": "Timezone offset", "timeBetweenPriceUpdates": "Time between price updates", "fullRefreshEvery": "Full refresh every", "mempoolnstance": "Mempool Instance", "hostnamePrefix": "Hostname prefix", "StealFocusOnNewBlock": "Steal focus on new block", "useBigCharsMcap": "Use big characters for market cap", "useBlkCountdown": "Blocks countdown for halving", "useSatsSymbol": "Use sats symbol", "suffixPrice": "Suffix price format", "disableLeds": "Disable all LEDs effects", "otaUpdates": "OTA updates", "enableMdns": "mDNS", "fetchEuroPrice": "Fetch € price", "shortAmountsWarning": "Short amounts might shorten lifespan of the displays", "tzOffsetHelpText": "A restart is required to apply TZ offset.", "screens": "Screens", "wifiTxPowerText": "In most cases this does not need to be set.", "wifiTxPower": "WiFi TX power", "settingsSaved": "Settings saved", "errorSavingSettings": "Error saving settings", "ownDataSource": "Use BTClock data source", "flMaxBrightness": "Frontlight brightness", "flAlwaysOn": "Frontlight always on", "flEffectDelay": "Frontlight effect speed", "flFlashOnUpd": "Frontlight flash on new block" }, "control": { "systemInfo": "System info", "version": "Version", "buildTime": "Build time", "ledColor": "LED color", "turnOff": "Turn off", "setColor": "Set color", "showText": "Show text", "text": "Text", "title": "Control", "hostname": "Hostname", "frontlight": "Frontlight", "turnOn": "Turn on", "flashFrontlight": "Flash", "firmwareUpdate": "Firmware update", "fwCommit": "Firmware commit" }, "status": { "title": "Status", "screenCycle": "Screen cycle", "memoryFree": "Memory free", "wsPriceConnection": "WS Price connection", "wsMempoolConnection": "WS Mempool.space connection", "fetchEuroNote": "If you use \"Fetch € price\" the WS Price connection will show ❌ since it uses another data source.", "uptime": "Uptime", "wifiSignalStrength": "WiFi Signal strength", "wsDataConnection": "BTClock data-source connection" }, "firmwareUpdater": { "fileUploadFailed": "File upload failed. Make sure you have selected the correct file and try again.", "fileUploadSuccess": "File uploaded successfully, restarting device and reloading WebUI in {countdown} seconds", "uploading": "Uploading", "firmwareUpdateText": "When you use the firmware upload functionality, make sure you use the correct files. Uploading the wrong files can result in a non-working device. If it goes wrong, you can restore firmware by uploading the full image after setting the device in BOOT-mode." } }, "colors": { "black": "Black", "white": "White" }, "time": { "minutes": "minutes", "seconds": "seconds" }, "restartRequired": "restart required", "button": { "save": "Save", "reset": "Reset", "restart": "Restart", "forceFullRefresh": "Force full refresh" }, "timer": { "running": "running", "stopped": "stopped" }, "sections": { "control": { "keepSameColor": "Keep same color" } }, "rssiBar": { "tooltip": "Values > -67 dBm are considered good. > -30 dBm is amazing" }, "warning": "Warning" }